Supporters of NH independence packed the public hearing this week for CACR 32, the historic constitutional amendment that would allow voters to decide to secede peacefully from the United States. The next morning, the Federal Relations committee had their “executive session” on the bill and after some discussion of how truly ignorant and cowardly they all are, they voted 21-0 to recommend the bill be killed. Here’s the video including the committee’s vote and prior discussion:
They gobbled up the lies from Rep Brodie Deshaies who suggested to the reps that they could be removed from office for “rebellion” if they supported this measure. He suggested it would violate their oath of allegiance to the United States, even though the US has violated its own constitution plenty of times and the bill would merely give the people of NH the opportunity to vote.
A rep who supports the empire could still have voted for this bill, simply to let the people decide. However all of the cowards on this committee refused to support your right to vote on the question. They think they know what is best. Why are they so afraid of letting people have their say? If the people of NH support the US empire, they would surely vote to stay, so why not put it to a vote?
Empire Loyalist Brodie Deshaies, the lying Republican state rep from Wolfeboro. Rated a “C” by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance
From the discussion it was clear that they hadn’t even read or understood the simple, two sentence amendment. Some reps complained that the amendment contradicted the seventh article of the NH constitution’s bill of rights, since it mentions some rights delegated to the United States. However, the final sentence of CACR 32’s blissfully short amendment clearly says all other references to the US are nullified:
“Are you in favor of amending the first part of the constitution by inserting after article 7 a new article to read as follows:
[Art.] 7-a. [Independent Nation.] New Hampshire peaceably declares independence from the United States and immediately proceeds as a sovereign nation. All other references to the United States in this constitution, state statutes and regulations are nullified.”
Other objections from the committee were of the typical sort. Some wanted “a plan”, others want “free” health care from the feds. What about taking care of elderly people? All of their concerns were addressed by the various speakers during the hearing on the bill – watch the full hearing here – but it appears not a single one of the reps listened. Some just called us crazy.
Even Rep Susan DeLemus, whose husband was wrongfully imprisoned by the feds for five years, who had told the President of the Foundation for NH Independence that she would vote for the bill, voted against it.
Despite this setback, the full house of 400 reps will have to vote on CACR 32 via a “roll call” and so they will all be on the record. Do they support allowing the people to have a say on the future of their freedom, or not? Stay tuned to NHexit.US for the latest.
By now, you may already know about the historic, first-ever public hearing on NH independence constitutional amendment CACR 32 happening this Thursday, January 20th at 3:30pm in room 206 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH. However, you may not know that there is a rally happening prior to the hearing, starting at 2pm in front of the LOB at 33 N State St. Supporters of NH Exit will be gathering to hold signs, NH flags, network, listen to speakers, and join in singing the New Hampshire National Anthem!
In addition to the rally at 2pm, just before the hearing we’ll hold a press conference in the lobby of of Legislative Office Building starting at 3pm. It will feature, at minimum, CACR 32 bill sponsor Rep. Mike Sylvia of Belmont and the president of the Foundation for NH Independence, Alu Axelman.
Dress warm, bring your friends and NH flags and any pro-secession signage and join us this Thursday afternoon at 33 N State St. in Concord starting at 2pm! Whether you can or can’t attend, please read this post to learn the steps you can take to help us get this constitutional amendment passed!
We have an update on the process to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot which would declare independence from the United States. A couple of weeks ago, liberty state representative Mike Sylvia filed his proposed constitutional amendment with “Legislative Services”, the state government bureaucracy that reviews all proposed bills filed by the senators and state reps. Two weeks later, they returned to him the officially drafted CACR or “Constitutional Amendment Concurrent Resolution”, which you can see for yourself here.
Sylvia’s proposed amendment wording was untouched, and in the “voter’s guide” they added this excellent summary:
AT THE PRESENT TIME, New Hampshire exists as a sovereign state of the United States of America.
IF THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED, New Hampshire will peaceably declare independence from the United States of America and proceed as its own sovereign nation.
State Reps Mike Sylvia & Matt Santonastaso
That should make it clear to voters what this amendment will do, should it make it to the ballot. The next step is Sylvia must get his co-sponsors to sign on. He recently reported that he has several other reps who have told him they would like to co-sponsor. He must submit the co-sponsors and any final changes by October 7th, next Friday.
Then, Legislative Services will assign a number to the bill, so it will be “CACR X” (where X is whatever number they assign) and it will next be officially set for a committee hearing in early 2022! That is when people will be able to show up and testify publicly regarding their support – or opposition to New Hampshire independence. Exciting times! Stay tuned here to NHexit.US for the latest.