By now, you may already know about the historic, first-ever public hearing on NH independence constitutional amendment CACR 32 happening this Thursday, January 20th at 3:30pm in room 206 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH. However, you may not know that there is a rally happening prior to the hearing, starting at 2pm in front of the LOB at 33 N State St. Supporters of NH Exit will be gathering to hold signs, NH flags, network, listen to speakers, and join in singing the New Hampshire National Anthem!
What is the NH National Anthem? Back in the 70s, a previous governor, Meldrim Thompson Jr., released a very catchy little tune during his campaign called “Live Free or Die”. It recently resurfaced in the NH liberty community and with a little tweaking, the song has been reworked now as the NH National Anthem! You can download the songsheet graphic and read the words here. Thanks to NH native Bill Barger for the excellent graphic design.
In addition to the rally at 2pm, just before the hearing we’ll hold a press conference in the lobby of of Legislative Office Building starting at 3pm. It will feature, at minimum, CACR 32 bill sponsor Rep. Mike Sylvia of Belmont and the president of the Foundation for NH Independence, Alu Axelman.
Dress warm, bring your friends and NH flags and any pro-secession signage and join us this Thursday afternoon at 33 N State St. in Concord starting at 2pm! Whether you can or can’t attend, please read this post to learn the steps you can take to help us get this constitutional amendment passed!