A historic time and date is approaching. Late last Summer, a bunch of heroic state representatives filed CACR 32, the NHexit constitutional amendment. That alone was historic, as CACR 32 is the first time ever that the people of any state will be given the opportunity to officially speak to their legislature on the topic of whether or not we should leave the United States empire as we once left the British empire.
That is because unlike many other states, every bill filed in New Hampshire is given a public hearing. So, this will be your chance to speak publicly in favor of independence. If we can pack the hearing with supporters, CACR 32 could have a chance of passing, which would then put it to a vote of the people in November. With 2/3rds voting in support, we would immediately declare peaceful independence from the United States and proceed as a sovereign nation.
Mark your calendar now for January 20th, 3:30pm. The location is the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH at 33 N State St, room 206. However, the room number is subject to change based on how many people show up. By default, bill hearings are held in small rooms with barely enough seating for the committee and perhaps a dozen attendees. However, if enough people pack the room, the committee will have to move the hearing to a larger room. Join our Telegram or Matrix chat rooms for ongoing updates from on-the-ground, or just ask at the front desk where the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee is meeting – hopefully we’ll be easy to spot with a big crowd.
The most important thing you can do is attend this meeting, whether or not you want to speak. Every hearing at the state house also allows you to sign your name to a sheet indicating whether you are for the bill being heard, so at minimum you should sign the sheet in the hearing, and if you are so moved, also sign up to speak in favor of CACR 32. Remember, the bill, if passed would only place the question on the 2022 ballot, so we don’t need to convince the representatives to support secession, only that they should support letting the people vote on it.
Whether or not you can attend the meeting, you can help immediately in other ways:
- Please reach out to the members of the committee at this email address: HouseState-FederalRelationsandVeteransAffairs@leg.state.nh.us and ask them to support CACR 32 without amendment. That email will deliver to all the committee members.
- Contact your friends who support independence and tell them the time, date, and place of this meeting and ask them if they can attend. Set up carpools to ease transport.
- Share this article on your favorite social media to spread the word.
- Sign the petition to support NH Independence!
- Brush up on your NH Independence knowledge! Explore the 86 Reasons NH Should Divorce DC and the FAQ from the Foundation for NH Independence.
- Join our Telegram or Matrix chat rooms to connect directly with other NH Independence supporters in real-time-chat. Both rooms are linked together, so if you join one, you needn’t join the other.
- Join the Signal chat. This is not connected with Telegram or Matrix.
- Join our Forum to discuss NHexit with others. Or, if you prefer big tech platforms, we have Facebook and MeWe groups as well.
See you January 20th at 3:30pm at the Legislative Office Building at 33 N State St. in Concord!